A selection of five essays and reviews recently published in Books&Ideas discusses the legacy and renewal of social class studies in France, Great-Britain and India.
Dossier Society Philosophy History
A selection of five essays and reviews recently published in Books&Ideas discusses the legacy and renewal of social class studies in France, Great-Britain and India.
What is the legacy of the work of British historian E.P. Thompson on the different social sciences?
How to understand social non-reproduction and, more specifically, the case of Richard Hoggart?
Why hasn’t caste not disappeared from contemporary India yet?
Gathering five articles recently published in Books&Ideas, this dossier discusses important theories on social class reproduction and mobility in France, Great Britain and India, and their value today.
by , 18 July 2016
Cristelle Terroni, « Studying Social Class: Legacy & Renewal. A Summer Selection », Books and Ideas , 18 July 2016. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL : https://mail.laviedesidees.fr/Studying-Social-Class-Legacy-Renewal
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