
Dossier Society Philosophy History

Studying Social Class: Legacy & Renewal
A Summer Selection

by Cristelle Terroni , 18 July 2016

A selection of five essays and reviews recently published in Books&Ideas discusses the legacy and renewal of social class studies in France, Great-Britain and India.

What is left of the groundwork of P. Bourdieu in La Distinction? Is its model of understanding social stratification and inequality still operating today?

What is the legacy of the work of British historian E.P. Thompson on the different social sciences?

How to understand social non-reproduction and, more specifically, the case of Richard Hoggart?

Why hasn’t caste not disappeared from contemporary India yet?

Gathering five articles recently published in Books&Ideas, this dossier discusses important theories on social class reproduction and mobility in France, Great Britain and India, and their value today.

Dossier's Articles

by Cristelle Terroni, 18 July 2016

To quote this article :

Cristelle Terroni, « Studying Social Class: Legacy & Renewal. A Summer Selection », Books and Ideas , 18 July 2016. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :

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